The Data Warrior

Changing the world, one data model at a time. How can I help you?

Snowflake Resources from The Data Warrior

Since you are on this blog, I assume that means you are “following” me in that techie, non-stalker sort of way. πŸ˜‰

That being the case you are aware of my tenure for the last 5+ years at the hottest data-focused software company in the world – Snowflake. And you know I have produced a lot of content (really – A LOT!). Everything from blogs to ebooks to videos to podcasts – in addition to my usual array of industry and Snowflake sponsored webinars and talks.

But if, like me, you have consumed so much content in the last year or so, you have probably lost track of some of it, right?

Well if you are trying to find something you saw me do (or tweet about doing) but just can’t remember what it was (or when or where) and you want to find it but don’t want to sift through the hundreds of Google search results or the thousands of social media posts I have done, look no further!

I decided to make it easier for you (and me frankly) by putting a pretty comprehensive list together on a permanent page here on my site.

I broke it up into videos/Podcasts, Thought Leader articles, ebooks, and blogs and have included links to all of these so you can quickly get to the content you need when you need it.

So check it out and bookmark the page now, before you forget or lose track of this post too. πŸ™‚

You’re welcome.


The Data Warrior

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One thought on “Snowflake Resources from The Data Warrior

  1. mpfarhat on said:

    Awesome! Thanks so much for the list!

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