The Data Warrior

Changing the world, one data model at a time. How can I help you?

Building a Real-time Data Vault in Snowflake?

Yes you can! The #DataCloud loves #DataVault!

In this day and age, with the ever-increasing availability and volume of data from many types of sources such as IoT, mobile devices, and weblogs, there is a growing need, and yes, demand, to go from batch load processes to streaming or “real-time” (RT) loading of data. Businesses are changing at an alarming rate and are becoming more competitive all the time. Those that can harness the value of their data faster to drive better business outcomes will be the ones to prevail.

One of the benefits of using the Data Vault 2.0 architecture is that it was designed from inception not only to accept data loaded using traditional batch mode (which was the prevailing mode in the early 2000s when Dan introduced Data Vault) but also to easily accept data loading in real or near-realtime (NRT). In the early 2000s, that was a nice-to-have aspect of the approach and meant the methodology was effectively future-proofed from that perspective. Still, few database systems had the capacity to support that kind of requirement. Today, RT or at least NRT loading is almost becoming a mandatory requirement for modern data platforms. Granted, not all loads or use cases need to be NRT, but most forward-thinking organizations need to onboard data for analytics in an NRT manner.

See all the details (and some code) in the full post over on Data Vault Alliance.

Happy Vaulting!


The Data Warrior

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