The Data Warrior

Changing the world, one data model at a time. How can I help you?

Archive for the tag “Data Governance”

Federated Governance: Why it Matters and Why it’s Essential for Data Mesh

How do you balance agility and governance, particularly when you now have the capability to ingest, deploy and transform massive amounts of data at a scale that no-one had previously dreamed of? And often this is sensitive data. Perhaps you’re working a highly regulated area like healthcare or financial services.  

How can you ensure domain teams adhere to the rules and standards while also giving them freedom and autonomy – the responsibility – to manage and develop data products appropriate to their domains, without it turning into a free-for-all? 

The concept of federated governance isn’t new but the popularity of data mesh means it’s become a much hotter topic, and a challenge for teams to solve. One of the four pillars of data mesh, a federated data governance framework provides for some centralized management, for enterprise level rules and standards,  but the ultimate responsibility to apply and execute the rules is decentralized to the domains.  

In short, it’s a way to ensure good governance with the right rules being applied in the right ways to the right data but through a more flexible approach, one that empowers domain team developers and supports collaborative working.   

Read the rest of the post here: Federated Governance: Why it Matters and Why it’s Essential for Data Mesh

Ciao for now!


The Data Warrior

Data Vault and Data Governance, Pt. 2

Hey #DataVault fans! Here is another post that just came out about DV and governance – how are they related?

In part two of this blog series, we sit down with Kent Graziano and Cindi Meyersohn to dig a bit deeper on data governance and its relationship to data quality.

Cindi: Kent, we’ve already talked about data governance as it relates to security, now what about data quality?

Kent: It’s important to talk about the key aspects and benefits of data governance found in improved data quality, because if people can’t trust the data, then they’re not going to use the data.  No matter how sophisticated you get in loading your data, moving your data, transforming your data, displaying your data, if people don’t trust the quality of that data, then they’re not going to use it. 

The Data Vault architecture and methodology, above and beyond modeling, includes data quality in the approach, specifically related to TQM, which is vectorized total quality management, along with several other frameworks.  Particularly in Data Vault, you embrace the idea of having a continuous feedback loop on the data to the sources as part of the approach.  The inclusion of a continuous feedback loop should be a part of any planning and design of a Data Vault.

Check out the rest of the conversation here: Data Vault and Data Governance, Pt. 2



The Data Warrior

How Data Vault 2.0 Supports Your Data Governance Strategy – Part 1

Data Vault 2.0 is way more than just a data modeling approach. In fact it is an entire methodology and architecture for building business intelligence and analytic solutions. This is a post just released that I wrote for Data Rebels on how DV2 actually supports various aspects of data governance. Check it out.

With the growth of volume and diversity of data in recent years, it has become even more critical for organizations to develop an effective and scalable strategy for data governance and its closely aligned sibling discipline – Master Data Management. The importance of ensuring the security and the quality of data has never been more important than now. Add to that the increased pressures for regulatory compliance and privacy concerns, having a solid approach to data governance is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. In this 2-part blog series, I will discuss how the Data Vault 2.0 System of Business Intelligence addresses these concerns and incorporates both Data Governance and Master Data Management. 

Read the entire post here: Data Vault 2.0 and Data Governance – Part 1.

Stay tuned for Part 2!


The Data Warrior

Hot Off the Press – I Have Joined Advisory Board

LONDON, Feb. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —, the London-based software company dedicated to helping organisations to build and manage their essential data applications and data products more effectively, is delighted to announce that Kent Graziano has joined its Advisory Board with immediate effect.

‘Data Warrior’ Kent Graziano Joins DataOps Advisory Board

Could not resist staying out of the fray! I have worked with these folks from their earliest days as a Snowflake SI partner, and now as a software partner that supports the Snowflake Data Cloud. I am looking forward to helping Justin and Guy in the next stage of evolving the platform towards the vision of #TrueDataOps.

Cheers to our continued collaboration!


The Data Warrior

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